BUILD NOTES (2013-11-29) - Action Menu improvements. - All cards now have icons, some are even good. - Trade UI works: - Initiate it from the Inventory by selecting an item you want or want to give. - Switch players with the D-pad up and down. - [A] brings up the Action Menu to flag an item for trade. - Select [Confirm Trade] from the Action Menu to make the trade. (At this point the AI will always take it.) - Ask for Help improvements: - Animation. - Player portraits. - Icon consistency. - Can now cast a Class Ability: Charm. - Monster Inspector during combat with [RB] will display all Monsters and Enhancers. (2013-11-14) - Improvements to Action Menu: - Bricks are grayed out if disabled. - Bricks and Action Tips are colored based on the action you can do. - Icon pulses to draw attention. - Ask for Help UI is now functional: - Note: the confusion factor is still high since the tool tips aren't in yet: - The asker asks everyone for help at the same time, then waits for a reply from each player. - The asker doesn't have to wait for all players to reply. - The asker can offer any number of treasures (0 - N). - The asker can offer who picks first (You or Me). - The asker can offer the picking order (Pick All at Once or Take Turns) - The asker can offer Carried or Equipped items. - All deals are automatically executed if the combat is successful. - The helper can decline and specify which part of the bargain they did not like. - If no one takes up the offer, the asker may ask again up to 3 times. - Run Away helper's name now appears in the correct location, beneath the fighter. - Camera now follows the leader, unless your character starts moving. - All Munchkin characters now have new walk cycles to prevent "feet slide". - 3 Weeks of animation... we forget, but there are updates on the CommSite. (2013-10-18) - 2 AI Players added to single player games. - Random Gender. - Some logic like: - Level Up. - Equipping logic, Race, Class. - Monster Enhancer. - Either Side. - Curse. - AI is too fast for player to realize what's going on. - Can use Inventory to check what every payer is wearing or carrying [D-pad Up] & [D-pad Down]. - HLSL Effects system added and ready for tweaking. - UI Desaturation - UI Tint - UI Drop Shadow - 3D Bloom - New Animaitons: - New walk cycles for each hero (pencil tests). - Monsters: - Bullrog - Harpies - Undead Horse - Hippogriff - Music System implemented. - Japanese music and Main Menu music fade in and out as new levels are loaded. - Pyramid Music added. - Bug Reporiting organized on Mantis - - Xbox 360 testers started, logins for SJ Games are forthcoming. (2013-10-02) - Forgot to add Build notes but it was a big one for the UI department. (2013-08-27) - UI Animation test: click [Right Thumbstick] to Open, Close and Dissmiss the Sell UI. - When equipped items are no longer equippable due to changes in race, class or gender, they become carried unless the hero in question is in combat. If the hero is in combat, the item stays equipped, but is deactivated and does not provide a bonus unless it becomes valid for the hero to equip again. After combat, deactivated equipped cards become carried. - Horny Helmet's combat bonus now changes according to hero's race. - ChangeClass card implemented. - ChangeRace card implemented. - Doppleganger implemented, showing a second player. - StealALevel updated. - Revised Lose the armor/headgear/footgrear cards to lose all cards of that type that you currently have equipped, including cheated cards and items carried by the hireling. - KillTheHireling now requires that a hireling be on the table, and destroys it. - New Monster animation: - Drooling Slime (now correct scale). - Lawyer. - King Tut. (2013-08-13) - Implemented Wandering monster and multi-monster combat. - Implemented Mate card. - Implemented sandals of protection. - Implemented Out to lunch card. - Implemented Friendship Potion card. - Implemented Pollymorph Potion card. (Parrot Animation will be forthcoming) - Implemented Magic Lamp card. - Implemented Illusion card. - 2 new Levels: - Level 6 (Elvin Forest) - Level 10 (Sewer) (2013-07-29) - Build is more stable (Mem Code 4 issue), but still needs work. - Combat timer doesn't start until the player is in the combat ring. - Action History with the [back] button. - VFX: - Level Up - Level Down - Can now play as Male and Female of every race. - Hero Animations: - Added Female Elf - Added Female Halfling - Added Female Dwarf - Quasimodo UI Test in the Monster Portraits. - 2 new Levels: - Level 5 (Blood) - Level 9 (Pyramid) (2013-07-15) - Logic for item replacement proof of concept on Human Male Idle. - Kick test animation for: - Human Male - Human Female - Elf Male - Halfling Male - Phase Menu for Run Away / Ask for Help. - Monster Portraits in Combat UI. - Monster Enhancers can target Monsters. - Character Direction Bug Fixes. - Bad Stuff functions, but lacks UI. - Characters are scaled larger, but now the camera needs better logic when characters are near the edge of the rooms. - 2 New Levels: - Underground Temple - Swamp - Updated Animation. - Stable animation exporters. (2013-06-23) - New environmental levels and rooms. - Hand's card limit is disabled until Charity System is stable. - Switching between races. - Switching between gender. Can also pick gender in the main menu. - Animation place holder for Monsters. - Animations and place holders for Heroes. - Temporary doors are in and disappear upon Kick Open action. - Floors draw in reverse order, fixing some clipping and visual artifacts. - Load next room once camera stops. - Toggle debug camera with [LB]. - [Left Thumb] = Move on X and Y planes. - [Y] = Raise camera up. - [X] = Lower camera down. - Character sticks to the ground and no longer glitches on ramps. (2013-06-19) - Character waypoint pathways are still glitchy on endcap ramps. - Players now face the center of the room when stopped. - Phase Menu added for when player has something they must do. - Smooth camera panning between rooms. - Infinite level looping. - Levels are loading in a background thread. - Waypoint Tool built. - Characters feet no longer get clipped by the ground. - Character draw order is fixed so characters in the background are not drawn on top of those in the foreground. - Action Menu Monster Enhancer fixed. - Action Menu is always in the same place and never closes. (2013-05-23) - New music. - Level textures are work in progress. - Networking has been tested from Xbox to Xbox across the internet. - Player color selection. - More card implementations. - Reworked the drawing functions of the Character classes. (2013-05-07) - All Heroes are now move independently from room to room. - Heroes stay stuck to the floor despite the vertical dimensions of the room. - Rooms and Endcaps are now part of a proper Level object. - Levels continue to generate indefinitely. - Each Hero has a dedicated location in each Room for fighting, observing, helping. - Monsters have dedicated locations within the combat ring. - Networking: events are passed back and forth between players. - Added the character creation 'I am ready' phase. - Beginnings of the new Combat UI: the option to play/winning timer, Look for trouble, Combat Portraits. (2013-03-20) - Fixed Equip for Class and Race cards. - Implemented non-special GUAL Cards. - Fixed icon/index bugs in table/inventory menu. - Implemented phase icons on ActionMenu. - In Progress: class/race restrictions for items. - Implemented ActionMenu caption. Bug Fixes: - Action menu no longer draws under carried items. - Card_action_menu graphic no longer appears in some cases while card is moving. - Left Trigger now closes the inventory UI when it should. (2013-02-25) Wandering Monster Works Card classes updates Continuing work on a ContextMenuUI object (2013-02-19) - In the middle of dev on the new core features. - The 2 AIs can Interfere with combat using Monster Enhancers of Either Side Cards if they are dealt any in their opening hand (but there is no indication to user except for increased monster Combat Strength) - Press [Y] to Continue Combat before Pressing [A] or [B] to end combat when they appear on the screen. If the controller doesn't seem to be responding, press [Y]. - Before pressing [Y] you can play Monster Enhancers or Either Side Cards. - The selection arrow is moved by moving the DPad up and down. It will jump to the monsters when they can be selected. - Note: The monster image is always the potted plant. (2013-02-11) - Triggers work in a new way. [RB] & [LB] are dissabled. - Random cards instead of demo hands. - Munchkin character is controled by menu and card actions instead of controller input. - Working on getting door cards instantly playable or enter hand. - More than 3 rooms to play with. (2013-02-04) - Animation System working, but only one idle animation currently playing. - Some Z-buffer logic fixed. - Fixed a Hand UI bug steming from on the GameObject3D class. (2013-01-28) - New button scheme. - New monster portraits. - New Player messages. (2013-01-21) - Inventory UI: - Animates items and slots for selection. - Button options change depending on the currently item selected. - Scroll left and right in the carried item area using the selector or the D-pad. - Carry slots are add to the carried area as you fill it up. - New Combat UI: - All elements are now arranged around edge of the screen, but are still place holder. - Monster portraits are listed down the right hand side. - Scoreboard updates based on combat strengths of heroes and monsters. - Hero Portraits: - Heroes are listed down the left hand side. - Level and combat strength are listed, but portraits for the new layout are still being worked on. - Combat strength displays the range of possible strength in the inventory and on the portrait. - Controlling player can see the combat strength range of equipment, carried items and hand, but only the equipment and carried items of other players. (2012-11-01 to 2012-01-15) - Build Notes need to be updated. (2012-10-15) - Working Prototype. (2012-10-10) - Kick Open Door UI and other popups are working. - User can trigger different areas of the room. - Portrait UI with the correct character and color. - Party UI shows network players heads and inventory items. - Inventory can be displyed with the [LT]. (2012-10-08) - Cards are stacked for prototype demo. - New rooms (but not very pretty ones). - New collision bounds. - Area triggers. - Portrait UI displays: - Gamertag - Level - Combat strength - Bonus items - (Wrong Character) - (Wrong Color) - Party Portrait Displays: - Equipped Items - Carried Items - (No Head, level or combat strenght) - (Portraits will become garbled when 2nd and 3rd player join) (2012-10-06) - Use this build to see all the cards. - Sorted all the cards in both decks. - Added icons to cards that need them for other UI. - Partial collision reaction. (2012-10-03) - Hand UI is summoned and dismissed with the [Left Trigger]. - Move the [Left Thumbstick] left and right to highlight a card. - Select a card from you hand with the [A] button. - Move the [Left Thumbstick] left and right to sort a new position for the selected card. - Hit [A] again to place a selected card in its new location. - Hit [B] to cancel and return a selected card to it original location. - Can't see each others cards in hand. (2012-10-01) - 3 Player now. - Reorganizing menu flow & adding Munchkin game terminology. - Exception / crash dump for the Xbox and Release versions of Munchkin. - Normal mapped character shading. - Character depth buffering: (no more masking artifacts when one character is in front of another) - Player color added: (Player 1: Red, Player 2: Green, Player 3: Blue) - Character speed and direction. - Flip direction the character is facing. - Shading stays constant no matter the direction the characters are facing. - Animation state changing: (placeholder Idle & Walk for now). (2012-09-26) Network System: - Hooked up SystemLink - Xbox LIVE - Host - Join - 2 People can move around the room (2012-09-19) Menu System - Multiple controllers handled - Force Signing-In Scene Construction - Scene allocation and deallocation